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主要社会兼职主要社会兼职:担任Frontiers In Public Health (Section:mental Health, SSCI 二区) /Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (SCI一区)副主编、World Journal of Psychiatry (SCI二区)、International Journal of Mental Health Promotion (Section:Lifestyle Medicine, SSCI)、Frontiers in Psychology (Section: Movement and Sport Psychology, SSCI), Int J Environ Res Public Health (Guest Editor, SCI/SSCI, Q1)等期刊编委


  • 个人简介
  • 研究兴趣
  • 发表论著


2019.07–现在, 深圳大学心理学院,现任副院长

2017.12 – 2019.02,香港中文大学,博士后

2013.09 – 2017.06,美国春田学院, 博士 

2011.09 – 2013.06,美国特拉华州立大学,硕士


2019年入选深圳市孔雀计划C类人才。主要研究领域为“运动与心理健康促进”。在上述领域研究经历丰富、建树卓越,发表相关SCI/SSCI论文80余篇,担任Frontiers In Public Health (Section:mental Health, SSCI 二区) /Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (SCI一区)副主编、World Journal of Psychiatry (SCI二区)、International Journal of Mental Health Promotion (Section:Lifestyle Medicine, SSCI)、Frontiers in Psychology (Section: Movement and Sport Psychology, SSCI), Int J Environ Res Public Health (Guest Editor, SCI/SSCI, Q1)等期刊编委。


Shenzhen Peacock Program: Category C Talents. Dr. Zou is an associate dean in School of Psychology, Shenzhen University, China; Director for Exercise & Mental Health Laboratory. He has obtained his both master and doctoral degrees in the United States. His research interest has focused on lifestyle behaviors (exercise, caloric restriction, mindfulness) and mental health. Particularly, he is strongly interested in identifying how exercise modalities can be used to improve cognitive function and effectively regulate emotion in both healthy and clinical populations across the lifespan. Meanwhile, his team has used the dual-process theoretical models at which affective (pleasure and displeasure) responses to exercise are investigated in both behavioral and biological perspectives. Such findings can be translated to behavior-change in physical activity and exercise. He has published nearly 80 peer-reviewed scientific articles and currently serves as editorial board member in World Journal of Psychiatry (SCI)Frontiers in Public Health (SSCI/SCI, Section of Mental Health, Associate Editor), Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (SCI, Associate Guest Editor), International Journal of Mental Health Promotion (SSCI), Frontiers in Psychology (Section: Movement and Sport Psychology, SSCI), I Int J Environ Res Public Health (Guest Editor, SCI/SSCI).




1.         Chen ST, Guo TY, Yu Q, Stubbs B, Clark C, Zhang ZH, Zhu MY, Hossain MM, Yeung A, Griffiths MD, Zou L.* (In Press) Active school travel reduces suicide attempts among adolescents from low-and middle-income countries. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology [SSCI: IF = 4.25, Q1].

2.         Chi XL, Liang KX, Chen ST, Huang QM, Huang LY, Yu Q, Jiao C, Guo TY, Stubbs B, Hossain MM, Yeung A, Kong ZW, Zou L*. (In Press) Mental health problems among Chinese adolescents during the COVID-19: The importance of nutrition and physical activity. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. [SSCI: IF = 4.25, Q1].

3.         Lu CP, Chi XL, Liang KX, Chen ST, Huang QM, Huang LY, Guo TY, Jiao C, Yu Q, Veronese N, Soares FC, Yeung A, Zou L*. (In Press). Moving more and sitting less as healthy lifestyle behaviors are protective factors for insomnia, depression, and anxiety among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology Research and Behavior Management [SSCI: IF = 2.03, Q2].

4.         Chi XL, Chen Y, Chen YY, Chen DY, Yu Q, Guo TY, Cao QY, Zhen XD, Huang SJ, Hossain M, Stubbs B, Yeung A, Zou L*. (In Press) Psychometric evaluation of the fear of COVID-19 scale among Chinese population. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 2020. [SSCI: IF = 1.648].

5.         Lu CP, Zou L#, Becker B, Griffiths MD, Yu Q, Chen ST, Demetrovics Z, Jiao C, Chi XL, Chen AG,   Yeung A, Liu SJ, Zhang YJ* (In Press). Comparative effectiveness of mind-body exercise versus cognitive behavioral therapy for college students with problematic smartphone use: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. [SSCI: IF = 0.88].

6.         Zou LXiao TCao CSmith LImm KGrabovac I et al. (In press). Tai chi for chronic illness management: Synthesizing current evidence from meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. The American journal of medicine 2020. [SCI: 5-year IF = 5.262, Q1].

7.         Dou H, Zou L, Becker B, Lei Y. Intranasal oxytocin decreases fear generalization in males, but does not modulate discrimination threshold. Psychopharmacology 2020.

8.         Cao L, Zhang YC, Huang RW, Li LX, Xia FG, Zou L, Yu Q, …. Ren Z. Structural and functional brain signatures of endurance runners. Brain Structure and Function. [SCI: IF = 3.298, Q1].

9.         Yu QZou LKong Z, Yang L. Cognitive impact of calorie restriction: A narrative review. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2020; 21(10):1394-401. [SCI: 5-year IF = 5.655, Q1].

10.     Yue CL, Yu Q, Zhang YJ, Herold F, Mei J, Kong Z, Perrery S, Liu J, Muller N, Tao L, Kramer A, Becker B, Zou L. Regular Tai Chi practice is associated with improved memory as well as structural and functional alterations of the hippocampus in the elderly. Front. Aging Neurosci. 12:586770. [SCI: IF = 4.362, Q1].

11.     Cai K, Yu Q#Herold FLiu ZWang J … Zou L. Mini-basketball training program improves social communication and white matter integrity in children with autism. Brain sciences 2020; 10(11). [SCI: IF = 3.332, Q2].

12.     Lin JL, Guo TY, Becker B, Yu Q, Chen ST, Stubbs B, Hossain M, Cunha P, Soares F, Veronese N, Yu J, Grabovac I, Lee S, Yeung A, Zou L, Li H. Depression is associated with moderate-intensity physical activity among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: differs by activity level, gender and gender-role. Psychology Research and Behavior Management [SSCI: IF = 2.03, Q2].

13.     Smith LJacob LGrabovac ILopez-Sanchez GFYang LCarvalho AF, …… Zou L et al. Violence and obesogenic behavior among adolescents aged 12-15 years from 62 countries: A global perspective. Preventive medicine 2020; 137:106123. [SCI: IF = 3.788, Q1]

14.     Wang JGCai KLLiu ZMHerold FZou LZhu LN et al. Effects of mini-basketball training program on executive functions and core symptoms among preschool children with autism spectrum disorders. Brain sciences 2020; 10(5). [SCI: IF = 3.332, Q2].

15.     Kong ZHu MLiu YShi QZou LSun S et al. Affective and enjoyment responses to short-term high-intensity interval training with low-carbohydrate diet in overweight young women. Nutrients 2020; 12(2). [SCI: 5-year IF = 5.089, Q1]


16.     Jung MZou LYu JRyu SKong Z et al. Does exercise have a protective effect on cognitive function under hypoxia? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of sport and health science 2020,1-16. [SSCI:IF = 5.2, Q1].

17.     Demurtas JSchoene DTorbahn GMarengoni AGrande GZou L et al. Physical activity and exercise in mild cognitive impairment and dementia: An umbrella review of intervention and observational studies. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2020; 21(10):1415-22.e6. [SCI: 5-year IF = 5.655].

18.      Chi XBecker BYu QWilleit PJiao CHuang L, … Zou L. Prevalence and psychosocial correlates of mental health outcomes among Chinese college students during the coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemic. Frontiers in psychiatry 2020; 11:803.

19.     Chen LZYuan XZhang YZhang SZou LYang L et al. Brain functional specialization is enhanced among tai chi chuan practitioners. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2020; 101(7):1176-82.

20.     Chi XL, Becker B, Yu Q, Hossain M, Lin Y, Yeung A, Ramada R, Grabovac, Bu H, Xie F, Zou L. Persistence and remission of depressive symptoms and psycho-social correlates in Chinese early adolescents. BMC Psychiatry 20, 406 (2020). [SCI: IF = 2.704, Q2].

21.     Waters A, Zou L, Jung M, Yu Q, Lin JL, Liu SJ, Loprinzi PD. Acute exercise and sustained attention on memory function. American Journal of Health Behavior 2020, 44(3), 326-332. [SSCI: IF = 1.4].

22.     Yue C, hang Y, Jian M, Herold F, Yu Q…Zou L. Differential effects of Tai Chi Chuan (motor-cognitive training) and walking on brain networks: a resting-state fmri study in Chinese women aged 60. Healthcare 2020, 8, 67. [SSCI: IF = 1.92].

23.     Ren Z, Hu L,Yu J.J, Yu Q, Chen S, Ma Y, Lin J, Yang L, Li X, Zou L. The influence of social support on physical activity in Chinese adolescents: the mediating role of exercise self-efficacy. Children 2020, 7, 23. [SCI: IF = 2.078, Q2].

24.     Yue C, Zou L#, Mei J, Moore D, Herold F, Müller P, Yu Q, Liu Y, Lin J, Tao Y, Loprinzi P, Zhang Z. Tai Chi training evokes significant changes in brain white matter network in older women. Healthcare 2020, 8, 57. [SSCI: IF = 1.92].

25.     Crawford L.K, Li H, Zou L,Wei G.-X, Loprinzi, P.D. Hypothesized mechanisms through which exercise may attenuate memory interference. Medicina 2020, 56, 129. [SCI: IF = 1.205].

26.     Zou L, Yu Q, Liu SJ, Loprinzi PD. Exercise on visual-spatial memory: direct effects and underlying mechanism. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2020, 44(2), 169-179. [SSCI: IF = 1.4].

27.     Cui J, Zou L, Herold F, et al. Does cardiorespiratory fitness influence the effect of acute aerobic exercise on executive function? Front Hum Neurosci. 2020;14:569010. [SCI: IF = 2.673].


28.     Zou LZhang YYang LLoprinzi PDYeung ASKong J et al. Are mindful exercises safe and beneficial for treating chronic lower back pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of clinical medicine 2019; 8(5).

29.     Zou LLoprinzi PDYu JJYang LLi CYeung AS et al. Superior effects of modified Chen-style tai chi versus 24-style tai chi on cognitive function, fitness, and balance performance in adults over 55. Brain sciences 2019; 9(5). [SCI: IF = 3.332, Q2].

30.     Zou LHan JLi CYeung ASHui SSTsang WWN et al. Effects of tai chi on lower limb proprioception in adults aged over 55: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2019; 100(6):1102-13. [SCI: IF = 3.098, Q1].

31.     Ye JSimpson MWLiu YLin WZhong WCai S, … Zou L. The effects of baduanjin qigong on postural stability, proprioception, and symptoms of patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in medicine 2019; 6:307. [SCI: IF = 3.9, Q1]

32.     Crawford LZou L., Loprinzi PD. Oxygenation of the prefrontal cortex during memory interference. Journal of clinical medicine 2019; 8(12). [SCI: IF = 3.303, Q1]

33.     Zou L, Loprinzi P, Yeung A, Zeng  N, Huang T. The beneficial effects of mind-body exercises for people with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic Review with Meta-analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2019, 100(8), 1156-1573.  [SCI: IF = 3.098, Q1].

34.     Lei O.-K, Kong Z, Loprinzi P.D, Shi Q, Sun S, Zou L, Hu Y, Nie J. Severe hypoxia does not offset the benefits of exercise on cognitive function in sedentary young women. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1003. [SSCI: IF = 2.849, Q1].

35.     Zhou S, Zhang Y, Kong Z, Loprinzi P.D, Hu Y, Ye J, Liu S, Yu J.J, Zou L. The effects of Tai Chi on markers of atherosclerosis, lower-limb physical function, and cognitive ability in adults aged over 60: a randomized controlled trial. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 753. [SSCI: IF = 2.849, Q1].

36.     Zou L, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Tian X, Xiao T, Liu X, Yeung A.S, Liu J, Wang X, Yang Q. The Effects of Tai Chi Chuan versus core stability training on lower-limb neuromuscular function in aging individuals with non-specific chronic lower back pain. Medicina 2019, 55, 60. [SCI: IF = 1.205].

























部分已发表文章 [黑体字为运动与心理健康实验室人员(*通讯作者、共同第一#)] 1. Chen ST, Guo TY, Yu Q, Stubbs B, Clark C, Zhang ZH, Zhu MY, Hossain MM, Yeung A, Griffiths MD, Zou L.* (In Press) Active school travel reduces suicide attempts among adolescents from low-and middle-income countries. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology [SSCI: IF = 4.25, Q1]. 2. Chi XL, Liang KX, Chen ST, Huang QM, Huang LY, Yu Q, Jiao C, Guo TY, Stubbs B, Hossain MM, Yeung A, Kong ZW, Zou L*. (In Press) Mental health problems among Chinese adolescents during the COVID-19: The importance of nutrition and physical activity. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology. [SSCI: IF = 4.25, Q1]. 3. Lu CP, Chi XL, Liang KX, Chen ST, Huang QM, Huang LY, Guo TY, Jiao C, Yu Q, Veronese N, Soares FC, Yeung A, Zou L*. (In Press). Moving more and sitting less as healthy lifestyle behaviors are protective factors for insomnia, depression, and anxiety among adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology Research and Behavior Management [SSCI: IF = 2.03, Q2]. 4. Chi XL, Chen Y, Chen YY, Chen DY, Yu Q, Guo TY, Cao QY, Zhen XD, Huang SJ, Hossain M, Stubbs B, Yeung A, Zou L*. (In Press) Psychometric evaluation of the fear of COVID-19 scale among Chinese population. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction 2020. [SSCI: IF = 1.648]. 5. Lu CP, Zou L#, Becker B, Griffiths MD, Yu Q, Chen ST, Demetrovics Z, Jiao C, Chi XL, Chen AG, Yeung A, Liu SJ, Zhang YJ* (In Press). Comparative effectiveness of mind-body exercise versus cognitive behavioral therapy for college students with problematic smartphone use: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. [SSCI: IF = 0.88]. 6. Zou L,Xiao T,Cao C,Smith L,Imm K,Grabovac I et al. (In press). Tai chi for chronic illness management: Synthesizing current evidence from meta-analyses of randomized controlled trials. The American journal of medicine 2020. [SCI: 5-year IF = 5.262, Q1]. 7. Dou H, Zou L, Becker B, Lei Y. Intranasal oxytocin decreases fear generalization in males, but does not modulate discrimination threshold. Psychopharmacology 2020. 8. Cao L, Zhang YC, Huang RW, Li LX, Xia FG, Zou L, Yu Q, …. Ren Z. Structural and functional brain signatures of endurance runners. Brain Structure and Function. [SCI: IF = 3.298, Q1]. 9. Yu Q,Zou L※,Kong Z, Yang L. Cognitive impact of calorie restriction: A narrative review. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2020; 21(10):1394-401. [SCI: 5-year IF = 5.655, Q1]. 10. Yue CL, Yu Q, Zhang YJ, Herold F, Mei J, Kong Z, Perrery S, Liu J, Muller N, Tao L, Kramer A, Becker B, Zou L※. Regular Tai Chi practice is associated with improved memory as well as structural and functional alterations of the hippocampus in the elderly. Front. Aging Neurosci. 12:586770. [SCI: IF = 4.362, Q1]. 11. Cai K, Yu Q#,Herold F,Liu Z,Wang J … Zou L. Mini-basketball training program improves social communication and white matter integrity in children with autism. Brain sciences 2020; 10(11). [SCI: IF = 3.332, Q2]. 12. Lin JL, Guo TY, Becker B, Yu Q, Chen ST, Stubbs B, Hossain M, Cunha P, Soares F, Veronese N, Yu J, Grabovac I, Lee S, Yeung A, Zou L, Li H. Depression is associated with moderate-intensity physical activity among college students during the COVID-19 pandemic: differs by activity level, gender and gender-role. Psychology Research and Behavior Management [SSCI: IF = 2.03, Q2]. 13. Smith L,Jacob L,Grabovac I,Lopez-Sanchez GF,Yang L,Carvalho AF, …… Zou L et al. Violence and obesogenic behavior among adolescents aged 12-15 years from 62 countries: A global perspective. Preventive medicine 2020; 137:106123. [SCI: IF = 3.788, Q1] 14. Wang JG,Cai KL,Liu ZM,Herold F,Zou L,Zhu LN et al. Effects of mini-basketball training program on executive functions and core symptoms among preschool children with autism spectrum disorders. Brain sciences 2020; 10(5). [SCI: IF = 3.332, Q2]. 15. Kong Z,Hu M,Liu Y,Shi Q,Zou L,Sun S et al. Affective and enjoyment responses to short-term high-intensity interval training with low-carbohydrate diet in overweight young women. Nutrients 2020; 12(2). [SCI: 5-year IF = 5.089, Q1] 16. Jung M,Zou L※,Yu J,Ryu S,Kong Z et al. Does exercise have a protective effect on cognitive function under hypoxia? A systematic review with meta-analysis. Journal of sport and health science 2020,1-16. [SSCI:IF = 5.2, Q1]. 17. Demurtas J,Schoene D,Torbahn G,Marengoni A,Grande G,Zou L et al. Physical activity and exercise in mild cognitive impairment and dementia: An umbrella review of intervention and observational studies. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 2020; 21(10):1415-22.e6. [SCI: 5-year IF = 5.655]. 18. Chi X,Becker B,Yu Q,Willeit P,Jiao C,Huang L, … Zou L※. Prevalence and psychosocial correlates of mental health outcomes among Chinese college students during the coronavirus disease (covid-19) pandemic. Frontiers in psychiatry 2020; 11:803. 19. Chen LZ,Yuan X,Zhang Y,Zhang S,Zou L,Yang L et al. Brain functional specialization is enhanced among tai chi chuan practitioners. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2020; 101(7):1176-82. 20. Chi XL, Becker B, Yu Q, Hossain M, Lin Y, Yeung A, Ramada R, Grabovac, Bu H, Xie F, Zou L※. Persistence and remission of depressive symptoms and psycho-social correlates in Chinese early adolescents. BMC Psychiatry 20, 406 (2020). [SCI: IF = 2.704, Q2]. 21. Waters A, Zou L, Jung M, Yu Q, Lin JL, Liu SJ, Loprinzi PD. Acute exercise and sustained attention on memory function. American Journal of Health Behavior 2020, 44(3), 326-332. [SSCI: IF = 1.4]. 22. Yue C, hang Y, Jian M, Herold F, Yu Q…Zou L※. Differential effects of Tai Chi Chuan (motor-cognitive training) and walking on brain networks: a resting-state fmri study in Chinese women aged 60. Healthcare 2020, 8, 67. [SSCI: IF = 1.92]. 23. Ren Z, Hu L,Yu J.J, Yu Q, Chen S, Ma Y, Lin J, Yang L, Li X, Zou L※. The influence of social support on physical activity in Chinese adolescents: the mediating role of exercise self-efficacy. Children 2020, 7, 23. [SCI: IF = 2.078, Q2]. 24. Yue C, Zou L#, Mei J, Moore D, Herold F, Müller P, Yu Q, Liu Y, Lin J, Tao Y, Loprinzi P, Zhang Z. Tai Chi training evokes significant changes in brain white matter network in older women. Healthcare 2020, 8, 57. [SSCI: IF = 1.92]. 25. Crawford L.K, Li H, Zou L※,Wei G.-X, Loprinzi, P.D※. Hypothesized mechanisms through which exercise may attenuate memory interference. Medicina 2020, 56, 129. [SCI: IF = 1.205]. 26. Zou L, Yu Q, Liu SJ, Loprinzi PD. Exercise on visual-spatial memory: direct effects and underlying mechanism. American Journal of Health Behavior, 2020, 44(2), 169-179. [SSCI: IF = 1.4]. 27. Cui J, Zou L, Herold F, et al. Does cardiorespiratory fitness influence the effect of acute aerobic exercise on executive function? Front Hum Neurosci. 2020;14:569010. [SCI: IF = 2.673]. 28. Zou L,Zhang Y,Yang L,Loprinzi PD,Yeung AS,Kong J et al. Are mindful exercises safe and beneficial for treating chronic lower back pain? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of clinical medicine 2019; 8(5). 29. Zou L,Loprinzi PD,Yu JJ,Yang L,Li C,Yeung AS et al. Superior effects of modified Chen-style tai chi versus 24-style tai chi on cognitive function, fitness, and balance performance in adults over 55. Brain sciences 2019; 9(5). [SCI: IF = 3.332, Q2]. 30. Zou L,Han J,Li C,Yeung AS,Hui SS,Tsang WWN et al. Effects of tai chi on lower limb proprioception in adults aged over 55: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 2019; 100(6):1102-13. [SCI: IF = 3.098, Q1]. 31. Ye J,Simpson MW,Liu Y,Lin W,Zhong W,Cai S, … Zou L※. The effects of baduanjin qigong on postural stability, proprioception, and symptoms of patients with knee osteoarthritis: A randomized controlled trial. Frontiers in medicine 2019; 6:307. [SCI: IF = 3.9, Q1] 32. Crawford L,Zou L※., Loprinzi PD※. Oxygenation of the prefrontal cortex during memory interference. Journal of clinical medicine 2019; 8(12). [SCI: IF = 3.303, Q1] 33. Zou L, Loprinzi P, Yeung A, Zeng N, Huang T. The beneficial effects of mind-body exercises for people with mild cognitive impairment: A systematic Review with Meta-analysis. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2019, 100(8), 1156-1573. [SCI: IF = 3.098, Q1]. 34. Lei O.-K, Kong Z, Loprinzi P.D, Shi Q, Sun S, Zou L※, Hu Y, Nie J. Severe hypoxia does not offset the benefits of exercise on cognitive function in sedentary young women. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 1003. [SSCI: IF = 2.849, Q1]. 35. Zhou S, Zhang Y, Kong Z, Loprinzi P.D, Hu Y, Ye J, Liu S, Yu J.J, Zou L※. The effects of Tai Chi on markers of atherosclerosis, lower-limb physical function, and cognitive ability in adults aged over 60: a randomized controlled trial. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 753. [SSCI: IF = 2.849, Q1]. 36. Zou L, Zhang Y, Liu Y, Tian X, Xiao T, Liu X, Yeung A.S, Liu J, Wang X, Yang Q. The Effects of Tai Chi Chuan versus core stability training on lower-limb neuromuscular function in aging individuals with non-specific chronic lower back pain. Medicina 2019, 55, 60. [SCI: IF = 1.205].