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担任SCI期刊Journal of Alzheimer's Disease副主编、CSCD《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》编委等。已主持国家自然科学基金面上项目2项、省市级等科研项目7项。在 Cerebral Cortex、Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience、Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 等国内外期刊以及国际会议上发表SCI/EI检索论文20余篇;授权发明国家专利1项(第一发明人);以第一作者出版教材4本,主持广东省高等教育教学改革项目、广东教育教学成果奖(高等教育)培育项目各一项。


1997年9月-2000年7月 第二军医大学护理系护理专业获医学学士学位

2007年9月- 2010年7月 延边大学大学基础医学系 病理学与病理生理学专业 获医学硕士学位

1984年9月-1994年5月 吉林空军高等医学专科学校附属医院门急诊科 护士/护师

1994年9月-1996年6月 新加坡国立大学医院,心血管外科监测

1996年7 月-2000年6月 第四军医大学吉林军医学院附属医院心胸外科 主管护师

2000年7 月-2004年5月 第四军医大学吉林军医学院附属医院护理部、副主任护师/副教授

2004年6月-2014年5月 吉林医药学院护理学院 副教授/教授 硕士生导师

2007年7月-2007年9月 英国Hastings语言学院,双语教学

2014年6月-2015年2月 深圳大学医学部 教授

2015年3月-至今 深圳大学心理学院 教授、硕士生导师







1. 轻度认知障碍老人的认知控制损伤及其脑功能网络机制(32071100)(2021年~2024年,国家自然科学基金,面上项目),主持

2. 社区正常老化及轻度认知障碍的多维评估与实证研究(31571129),(2016年~2019年,国家自然科学基金,面上项目),主持

3. 轻度认知障碍老人认知控制功能减退的神经机制(2020A1515011394),(2019年~2022年,广东省自然科学基金,面上项目),主持

4. 深圳市社区MCI老人认知控制功能损伤的神经机制(JCYJ20190808121415365),(2020年~2023年,深圳市基础研究专项-自然科学基金,面上项目),主持

5. “语言、情绪与认知障碍的发育发展机制与评估研究” (2019SHIBS0003,2021SHIBS0003)子课题 老年认知障碍的发病机制与早期评估,(2019年~2024年,深港脑科学创新研究院项目),主持

6. 中国健康衰老与痴呆社区队列研究,子课题:中国HEAD 北部社区队列建设及AD早期预测和中医药干预研究(2022ZD0211602),(2022年~2027年,科技创新2030-“脑科学与类脑研究”重大项目),骨干负责人

7. 基于大型前瞻性队列的临床前AD综合预防与治疗的中美合作研究(2018YFC1315200),子课题二:认知康复训练对临床前 AD 的干预效用研究(2018YFC1315202),(2018年~2022年,国家重点研发计划“重大慢性非传染性疾病防控研究”重点专项),骨干负责人

8. 老年护理虚拟教学系统在教学中的应用研究,(2015年~2018年,广东省高等教育教学改革项目),主持

9. 虚拟临床护理教学平台的建设与应用,(2014年~2017年,广东教育教学成果奖(高等教育)培育项目),主持


1.Yiqi Chen; Hao He; Yiyang Ding; Wuhai Tao*; Qing Guan*; Frank Krueger. Connectome-based prediction of decreased trust propensity in older adults with mild cognitive impairment:A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. NeuroImage,2024.

2.Zhen Li,Hao He*, Yiqi Chen, Qing Guan*.Effects of engagement, persistence, and adherence on cognitive training outcomes in older adults with and without cognitive impairment: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.Age andAging,2024,53(1):afad247.


3.Han Xu, Lanxin Luo, Ruida Zhu, Yue Zhao, Luansu Zhang, Yaqi Zhang, Chunliang Feng*, Qing Guan*.Common and distinct equity preferences in children and adults. Frontiers in psychology, 2024,DOI:

4.Lina Li#, Qianqian Yu#, Yuru Wang, Zhihao Wang, Xinyi Zhou, Qing Guan, Yue-jia Luo*, Hehui Li*.Electrophysiological Evidence of Lexical Processing Impacted by Foreign Language Reading Anxiety.Heliyon, 2024,in press.

5.Yiqi Chen, Hao He, Wenyi Lin, Jiawang Yang, Siping Tan, Wuhai Tao*, Qing Guan*, Frank Krueger.The connectome-based prediction of trust propensity in older adults: A resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Human brain mapping, 2023,44(11):4337-4351. DOI:

6.Guan Qing, Ma Ling, Chen Yiqi, Luo Yuejia, He Hao *.Midfrontal theta phase underlies evidence accumulation and response thresholding in cognitive control .Cerebral Cortex, 2023, 33(14): 8967-8979.

7.Hao He#, Wenyi Lin#, Jiawang Yang, Yiqi Chen, Siping Tan, Qing Guan*.Age-related intrinsic functional connectivity underlying emotion utilization.Cerebral Cortex, 2023, bhad023,

8.Hehui Li#, Qing Guan#, Mengmeng Lei, Rong Huang, Yue-jia Luo, Zhanjun Zhang, Wuhai Tao*.Altered functional cooperation between the cerebellum and cerebrum in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairments. Cerebral Cortex, 2022,1-14

9.Xingxing Zhang, Qing Guan, Yingjia Li, Jianfeng Zhang, Wanlin Zhu, Yuejia Luo,Haobo Zhang*. Aberrant cross-tissue functional connectivity in Alzheimer’s disease: static, dynamic,and directional properties. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, 88(2022) 273-290 DOI 10.3233/JAD-215649

10.Qing Guan; Jing Wang; Yiqi Chen; Ying Liu;Hao He*.Beyond information accumulation, the capacity of cognitive control predicts boundary separation in perceptual decision-making. Brain and Cognition, 2021,(154)

11.Hao He; Yiqi Chen; Xiaoyu Li; Xiaohui Hu; Jing Wang; Tiantian Wu; Dandan Yang; Guan Q*. Decline in the integration of top-down and bottom-up attentional control in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychologia, 2021, (161),108014

12.Liu Qian, Yao Zhu Xi*, Liang Zhang, Xiaofang Sun and Qing Guan.The Relationship Between Humans' Perceived Control and HPA Axis Reactivity to the Trier Social Stress Test.Frontiers in Psychology, 2021, 12: 683914.

13.Wuhai Tao, Hehui Li, Xin Li, Rong Huang, Wen Shao, Qing Guan* and Zhanjun Zhang*. Progressive brain degeneration from subjective cognitive decline to amnestic mild cognitive impairment: evidence from large-scale anatomical connection classification analysis. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 2021, 13: 369

14.Qing Guan, Xiaohui Hu, Ning Ma, Hao He, Feiyan Duan, Xin Li, Yuejia Luo, Haobo Zhang*. Sleep Quality, Depression, and Cognitive Function in Non-demented Older Adults. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2020,76(4):1637-1650

15.Chen Y., He H., Xu P., Wang J., Qiu Y., Hu L*., Guan Q*., Luo Y. The weakened relationship between prestimulus alpha oscillations and response times in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 2020, 14(48): 1-10

16.Hao He, Pengfei Xu, Tingting Wu, Yiqi Chen, Jing Wang, Yuehong Qiu, Jin Fan*, Qing Guan*, Yuejia Luo. Reduced capacity of cognitive control in older adults with mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 2019, 71(1): 185-200

17.Zhang Haobo, Qiu Yuehong, Luo Yuejia, Xu Pengfei, Li Zhihao, Zhu Wanlin,Wu Qizhu, Tao Wei, Guan Qing*, Chen Fuyong*. The relationship of anxious and depressive symptoms in Parkinson's disease with voxel-based neuroanatomical and functional connectivity measures. Journal of Affective Disorders, 2019, 245: 580-588

18.Xin Y, Wu J, Yao Z, Guan Q*, Aleman A, Luo Y. The relationship between personality and the response to acute psychological stress. Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1): 1-8

19.Tian T, Feng X, Gu R, Broster LS, Feng C*, Wang L, Guan Q*, Luo YJ. Modulation of the brain activity in outcome evaluation by the presence of an audience: An electrophysiological investigation. Brain Research, 2015, 1615:139-147

20.C.Y. Wang, D. Li, S.K. Yu, M.H. Wang, Q.Guan*, Chun-Hui Li*. Cognitive behavior therapy ameliorates non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s Disease. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 912: 1995-2005

21.Caishui Yang , Xin Li, Junying Zhang, Yaojing Chen, He Li, Dongfeng Wei, Peng Lu, Ying Liang, Zhen Liu, Ni Shu, Fang Wang, Qing Guan, Wuhai Tao, Qingshan Wang,Jianjun Jia, Lin Ai, Ruixue Cui, Yanping Wang, Dantao Peng, Wei Zhang, Kewei Chen, Xiaomin Wang, Jizong Zhao. Early prevention of cognitive impairment in the community population: The Beijing Aging Brain Rejuvenation Initiative. Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2021 Mar 31. doi: 10.1002/alz.12326

22.Duo Jiang,Jie Tang,Qing Guan,Fang Cui* &Yue-jia Luo*. Money gained through suffering is less valuable: Pain reduces the sensitivity to outcome magnitude in monetary decision making. Social Neuroscience, 2021,16(5):564-572

23.Weikun Zhang, Chunliang Feng, Yijie Zhang; Qing Guan, Yuejia Luo,Suyong Yang. The Effects of Aversive Mood State on the Affective Anticipation and Perception: An Event-rRelated Potential Study. Neuroscience, 2021, 458: 133-140

24.Lu Juanzhi, Huang Xiaoxuan, Liao Chong, Guan Qing, Qi Xin-Rui and Cui Fang*. Social mindfulness shown by individuals with higher status is more pronounced in our brain: ERP Evidence. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 2020,13:1432

25.Fuyong Chen, Tao Wu, Yuejia Luo, Zhihao Li, Qing Guan,Xianghong Meng, Wei Tao, Haobo Zhang* Amnestic mild cognitive impairment in Parkinson’s disease: White matter structural changes and mechanisms. PLOS one, 2019, 12:1-15

26.Chong Liao, Haiyan Wu, Qing Guan, Yuejia Luo, Fang Cui. Predictability and probability modulate the neural responses to other's pain: An event-related potential investigation. Biological Psychology, 2018; 138:11-18

27.Chong Liao, Song Wu, Qing Guan, Yuejia Luo, Fang Cui. Transcranial direct current stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex modulates the propensity to help in costly helping behavior. Neuroscience Letters, 2018; 674:54-59

28.Wang M, Petrini MA, Guan Q. Evaluation of family-centered services from parents of Chinese children with cerebral palsy with the Measure of Processes of Care. Child:Care,Health Development, 2015, 41(3) 408-415

29.林雯仪,何昊,关青*。反刍思维的脑功能网络机制.心理科学进展, 2022,30(6):1262-1269, CSSCI/CSCD/中文核心期刊

30.甘小荣,何昊*,胡小惠,张峰彬,关青,唐宏。大学生特质反刍思维与状态反刍思维对行为抑制的影响.中国心理卫生杂志, 2022,36(2):153-158. CSSCI/CSCD/中文核心期刊

31.杨丹丹,何昊,吴甜甜,陶伍海,张浩波,关青*。经颅直流电刺激对轻度认知障碍的干预效果及其影响因素.中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 2021,30(4):379-384, CSCD/中文核心期刊

32.吴甜甜,何昊,杨丹丹,胡小惠,罗跃嘉,关青*。轻度认知障碍的认知控制干预:系统综述.中国临床心理学杂志, 2021,29(2):429-435,CSSCI/CSCD/中文核心期刊

33.陈娟,何昊,杨丹丹,关青*。重复经颅磁刺激对轻度认知障碍的干预效果.心理科学进展, 2021,29(11):2002-2012 CSSCI/CSCD/中文核心期刊



36.刘洁,李瑾琪,申超然,胡小惠,赵庭浩,关青,罗跃嘉*。数学焦虑个体近似数量加工的神经机制:来自EEG的证据.心理学报, 2020,52(7):958-970,顶级期刊

37.张占军,姜淼,张俊英,李鹤,李馨,陈姚静,卢朋,卫东锋,关青,王君,舒妮,韩在柱,夏佳楠,安海婷,王燕平,罗跃嘉,王永炎。社区老年脑健康体检与痴呆风险筛查体系构建与实践—北京方案.科学通报, 2020, (65)14:1339-1347 ,CSCD

38.王晶,何昊,邱月虹,陈毅琦,张浩波,罗跃嘉,关青*。轻度认知障碍的认知干预研究进展.中华行为医学与脑科学杂志, 2019,28(1):85-90,CSCD/中文核心期刊

39.陆娟芝,廖冲,关青,罗跃嘉,崔芳*。利他与利己动机下的欺骗行为.心理科学, 2019,42(4):905-912,CSSCI/CSCD/中文核心期刊

40.何昊,关青*,张浩波,罗跃嘉。新版轻度认知障碍临床指南概要.中华诊断学电子杂志, 2018,6(3):145-150,中文核心期刊

41.邱月虹,关青*,王晶,李馨,谭雅纹,罗跃嘉。深圳市社区老人轻度认知障碍的认知变化特点及影响因素.中国临床心理杂志, 2018.26(2):313-317,CSSCI/CSCD/中文核心期刊

42.彭惠妮,吴健辉,孙小方,关青,罗跃嘉*。 特质焦虑对急性心理性应激反应的预测.心理学报, 2018,50(9):997-1006,顶级期刊

43.陈姚静,徐凯,杨财水,李馨,李鹤,张俊英,卫东锋,夏佳楠,陶伍海,卢朋,王君,舒妮,彭丹涛,贾建军,张巍,崔瑞雪,王燕平,关青,罗跃嘉,王芳,王青山,陈克伟,王晓民,赵继宗,王永炎,张占军*。优雅地老去——北京BABRI老年脑健康计划.中国科学:生命科学, 2018 ,48 (7 ): 721-734 CSSCI/国内核心期刊

44.邱月虹,王晶,罗跃嘉,关青*。轻度认知障碍研究现状.成都医学院学报,2017,12(6):639-645(31571129. 1.),2017,6(12):757-762,CSSCI/CSCD/中文核心期刊

45.刘耀中,柳昀哲,林碗君,何振宏,张丹丹,关青*,罗跃嘉*。抑郁障碍的核心脑机制—基于fMRI元分析的证据.中国科学:生命科学,2015,45 (12 ):1214-1223,CSCD/中文核心期刊






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